Tessalon Perles For Cough Bronchitis?

Bronchitis? - tessalon perles for cough

I have bronchitis. I went home from school today because I could not stop coughing, difficulty breathing and was the interruption of the class. My doctor gave me Thessaloniki beads, a drug against cough and some antibiotics. I am taking medication for coughs "3-times daily as needed, but it helps a half hour or so, my coughing has disadvantages are back with a vengeance. Everyone gives me a headache and cough, my voice is completely gone. I can not live without talk after coughing or laughing for a few minutes. Is there something I do for my cough between taking the drug with the exception of cough sweets disadvantages?


K T said...

I had one weeks I use candy to sweeten the throat! You might ask your doctor to ensure that the drugs are working
Good Luck

Kris L said...

If the cough gets worse, go to the bathroom and sits on the toilet, you (the "coverage can put" what is comfortable) and then close the doors and windows, and NOT turn the fan. Do you turn a cold shower can fill a "complete" because they can get, and let the curtain or a door open for air cold and damp, "the room.'S What if you have one child with whooping cough, but it also helps if you have a bad bronchitis. After working his "Against cough, put a wet towel around his neck on the cold front that will help more. should get well soon.

my2bratb... said...

I wish the Dr. call you back and say it does not work. Maybe you can have a stronger medicine for coughs. They need plenty of rest and drink plenty of water. You can also try to say something to drink. Sometimes it helps, or perhaps a strong drink caffinated. My children have asthma, and begins to cough, sometimes it helps a lot.

YoMahma said...

There are special seeds in China. They are dark brown, I have used. You see disgusting, but they are defiantly worth at the end you can not buy in the United States if: - \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

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